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♡ follow me on my learning journey ♡

Don't worry it is not a goodbye! This is my last post for this semester. It feels like yesterday that I was reading the syllabus for the class!

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Hi everybody! I hope you are doing well. Today, I will talk about my experience of creating AI-integrated Teaching Material. Enjoy :)

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Hello everyone! Today, I will talk about my experience in creating AR Integrated Teaching Material. Hope you enjoy :)

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Hi everybody! Today I will talk about the process of creating a flipped teaching video with my friend Sümeyye. Enjoy :)

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Welcome back!!! Well, I guess it wasn't a goodbye? Today I will discuss my experience in designing corpus-based material. Hope you enjoy :)

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It is time to get emotional. I can't believe that the time has come. It feels like yesterday that I created this blog.

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Hiiiii everybody! Today i will talk about the process of creating a digital poster. Enjoy :)

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Welcome back everybody ! Today i will talk about creating a fictional story with my dear friend Sumeyye. Hope you enjoy ;)

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Hi everybody! How have you been? Today I will take you on my journey of creating a podcast. Hope you enjoy ;)

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Hi everybody! In this post, I will be talking about creating a wall on Padlet with my dear friends Sümeyye, Şilan, and Buse. The wall is about gender inequality in business. I hope you enjoy it.

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Hello everybody! I missed you guys and I want to thank you for coming back. Today's topic is the process of writing a film review and my experiences while writing a film with my dear friend Sümeyye. I hope that you enjoy :)

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Hello everyone, welcome back! In this post i will be explaning 21 century learning, skills and using technology in the classroom and more. I hope that you enjoy!

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Hi, I'm Merve Balcıoğlu, your blogger! Welcome!

About me? Honestly, it feels peculiar talking about yourself. However, here it goes! I live in Istanbul and love my family and friends, animals, Taylor Swift songs, and watching movies. I tend to be very shy when meeting new people but after I get close to them, my part-time extroverted self comes out.

I am studying ELT at Marmara University. I created this blog to share my thoughts on the learning and teaching process when it comes to acquiring a new language, my experiences as a future teacher candidate, and much more to come. I hope enjoy reading about my study blog. ♥


“Every problem is a gift - without problems we would not grow.” -A. Robbins

  • Istanbul, Turkey