Hello everybody! I missed you guys and I want to thank you for coming back. Today's topic is the process of writing a film review and my experiences while writing a film with my dear friend Sümeyye. I hope that you enjoy :)
First of all, you might be wondering what a film review means. It is a fantastic method to share your thoughts on a movie. The majority of movie reviews aim to assist readers in deciding whether they want to see the movie. The film reviews are very important for some people because they don't want to be disappointed while watching, they want to find out beforehand. Without giving away any crucial information, such as the spoilers or any surprises, the review should include enough information about the film so that the reader can decide whether to watch it or not.
In our Educational Technologies class, we were asked to write a film review on a movie we wanted to and work with one of our peers. Also, we were asked to use the wiki page for the assignment. I like the wiki page, it was easy to use. The only problem we had was you couldn't edit at the same time as your partner which was not a big deal.
When I first heard about the topic I was so happy because I love watching films. As a result of this, while writing the film review, it didn't feel like an assignment. However, to be honest, even though Everything Everywhere At All Once is one of my favorite movies of all time, I felt pressure while writing the film review. Because sometimes it is not easy to express your feelings and write about them. Nevertheless, thanks to my partner Sumeyye it became easier. We talked about our ideas and how we felt about the movie which helped us to develop the review. I think that collaborating with my friend made the experience more fun and easy. Here are the pictures from our film review: